
Delivering multimillion-dollar space engineering projects to NASA and ESA takes experience and highly-rigorous programme management techniques. For SMEs and micro-enterprise, the best way to get a job done is simple, quick and effective.

From one extreme to the other, successful projects are delivered by applying the right tools and processes for the application, engaging the right people and giving those people the right support.

Project Dynamics supports Industry.  We work in high-tech and high-value manufacturing organisations with a collaborative approach that gets results.

Project Dynamics supports People.  We provide professional certification training and bespoke training packages for project practitioners – at all levels of industry, academia and government.


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    Project and Programme Management

    • Project delivery

    • Building teams and capability

    • Flexible support to meet your needs

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    Training and Development

    • Bespoke training courses

    • Tertiary and executive education

    • Professional: PMQ (APM), PMP & CAPM (PMI)

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    Governance and Bespoke

    • Partnerships and collaboration

    • Non-executive board-level support

    • Short-term and interim contracts

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    Mentoring and Support

    • Small business and startups

    • Simple tools, practical advice

    • Hands-on support

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    Systems and Processes

    • Best practice deployment

    • Software implementation

    • Process improvement

Case Studies

A wealth of experience. A strong focus on results.

What Our Clients Say

COO, Oxford Space Systems.

“Andy significantly improved our project delivery by introducing best-practice tools and processes.”

Chairman, Denchi Group.

“Improved efficiency … resulted in improved profitability.”

About Us

Andy McNamara

Managing Director

Andy is a project- and business- manager with international space, aerospace and high-tech manufacturing experience spanning 20 years

Andy Dachs

Senior Consultant

A senior technical architect and product manager in commercial high-tech communications, space and aerospace industries.

Contact us

To discuss your requirements further or to find out more about Project Dynamics.